Thursday, February 24, 2011

why cards are so special to me

i was at my dad's house tuesday night going through some things and i came across a box that had a bunch of old cards in it. some were recent, from my 23rd birthday last year, and some were older, going all the way back to my high school graduation in 2005.

i can't decide which ones are my favorites, because i love them all (hence why i saved them)!

maybe it's the card my boss and his family gave me on the day of my high school graduation. they wrote the sweetest note about me being "beautiful inside and out". they had known me for many years, but unlike true family members, they had no obligation to say those things about it meant that much more.

or maybe it's the cards that ainsley, jane, steph, and i sent each other the summer after high school graduation telling each other how sad we were going to be without our crew all together, how much we valued our friendships, and all throughout freshman year of college having countdowns until the next break when we could all come home and be together.

maybe my favorites are the cards from my dad because he always signs them "with love, a very proud daddy".

or maybe the most special is the last card i received that was signed "mom and dad" - my 20th birthday card.

some of the best are the ones i receive from my college roommate, erica. we don't get to see each other or talk much but getting her birthday cards and christmas cards in the mail every year always makes my day.

a lot of people don't put time into picking out a card, or writing anything special in it. after all, isn't that what the card companies are for? but i'm urging you to reconsider. these are the things that people (or maybe only me) save and come back to at random points in life. these are the things that bring you back to special moments in your life and remind you who was there with you for them. and that's what makes them all special, and worth keeping.

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