Thursday, February 17, 2011

five things to know about jess

by now you are probably wondering: who are these girls? we want you to feel like you know us, so here are five things to know about me:
  1. i have a habit of peeling the labels off my bottles of beer. it's like that sheryl crow song...except i don't like bud.
  2. i'm an aggressive driver. the speed limit? it's whatever is posted +15. never drive behind a prius - trust me, they will not go the speed limit. but, i have no points on my license and i've never been in an accident that was my fault (knock-on-wood!).
  3. i get really emotional when i leave vacations. it started when i was a kid and i would cry on the way home from our family vacations at the beach. but even now i notice how i get quiet, reflective, and even a little sad when i leave places. when you're on vacation, that place becomes your home for a brief period of time and so i get a little tug on my heartstrings when i have to leave. most recently this happened as i pulled away from the grand floridian resort in disney. i'm not even in love with disney, but i had so much fun during my time there that i got sad to's like saying goodbye to all of the memories.
  4. i am petrified of cats. not even big cats like lions or tigers...i'm talking house cats (and the stray cats that live on my street and show up at the glass door in my kitchen when i'm making dinner and make me scream out loud - like a girl).
  5. i'm very protective of my family and friends. i don't always do the best job of treating them the way they deserve to be treated, but the second someone tries to hurt or disrespect them, you better believe i have their backs.
next up: five things you have to know about my bff alanna

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