Tuesday, February 22, 2011

confession: i've got bieber fever

(paramount pictures movie poster image via fandango.com)

yesterday on our day off, alanna and i went to go see justin bieber: never say never with our friend ainsley. i definitely recommend that you see it! despite being the oldest people in the theater without children, i didn't feel creepy - the movie was done documentary style so it made it easy to say you were just there to learn about one of the up and coming artists of our time. (plus, once the lights dim in the theater, no one can tell how old you are anyway) but the real reason we were there? you guessed it...bieber fever. i have it - bad! the kid actually has an amazing voice and is super musically talented. the movie really portrays how hard he worked to get where he is and how much he appreciates his fans.

i'm trying to decide what my favorite part of the movie was... it's a toss up between seeing so many baby pictures and home movies (adorable!) and the fact that it was in 3D so every time justin sang into the camera and reached out his hands, it was like he was singing and reaching right to you (*sigh*). clearly i'm having trouble deciding whether i want to be this kid's mother or his girlfriend (when he's legal of course...).

after the movie, i went home and downloaded ten more of his songs from itunes and made a playlist dedicated entirely to the biebs. alanna has already asked me to put the songs on her ipod, too.

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