Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a drunk, batman, and the cutest little winemaker

somehow, i have managed to last the past 10 years or so not watching the bachelorette since the first bachelorette...i remember watching trista and ryan fall in love so clearly.  he was obviously the best choice from the beginning and i was so afraid trista would choose the standard hottie charlie in the finale over sweet, handsome and sensitive ryan. being content with that fairytale, i never had any real desire to watch another season...

until i saw this bachelorette bracket over at say no to cosmo...a girl's version of march madness brackets?  i'll take it!  my roomies and i settled into our couches last night to watch the premiere, prepared to fill out these brackets and bet on who will be the final choice.  about 20 minutes into it, we realized that were just way too many bachelors to make our picks that first night, but we are definitely going to fill it out once the pickings are slimmed down a bit.

still - brackets or not, there were some definite memorable situations from last night.

1.  have to put it out there - jeff in the mask...jeff what are you doing?? you seem attractive, you have really pretty blue eyes and you are probably relatively smart.  i totally agree that ashley should look at what is inside and not just your looks, but come on more than an hour in the mask is plenty.  you got your point across now let ashley know all of you!

2.  how about west's heartbreaking story about his wife?  we were tearing up over at my house, but do you think that he is ready to fall in love again?  i would be a little intimidated to be ashley after seeing that introduction.  but then when he gave her the compass pointed to west, i started to swoon for sure.  still in love with his wife or not, he will be making my top pick.

3. jessy's dream is to have her own vineyard and make wine AND she wants to live in san diego, so is ben f her ideal or what? while i am not a huge fan of the shaggy hair and his head shot is not the best, on the show he seems so charming and h-o-t.  i want to make it my mission to set them up now, who needs ashley h when you have jessy t??

4. okay - it needs to be mentioned...what the heck was tim thinking?? the bachelorette mansion is not a college frat house. learn how to control yourself.  everything about him annoyed me from the moment he put the pillow wall up between him and jeff.  tim - for your own sake, grow up a bit.

5. and finally - my number one pick - jp.  this boy is p-e-r-f-e-c-t.  that smile, those eyes, that body.  sign me up for the bachelorette if i can hang out with someone like him :) he is definitely who i want ashley h to end up with based on this episode alone.  or maybe i want him to be kicked off so i can move to nyc and fall in love with him instead...


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  2. AH! So I've never watched the bachelorette...until last night. Nothing else was on, so LC & I tuned in. I was instantly overwhelmed trying to keep track of who's who, so I made a list!!

    I totally fell in love with Ryan P. (the solar engineer & I think he got the first impression rose). William (cell phone salesman) is so adorable...obviously not the most desirable occupation, but he seems so down to earth and sweet. JP is LC's favorite, and he's pretty f-ing adorable & made my list too. And West is obviously in the top 5, too. The dude that went to Columbia & Harvard is a douche and I want to slap him. Not as much as I wanted to slap Tim though.

    But you're right, the first episode it too soon to choose. Since I'm so anti reality TV, I'm not sure if I'll be able to watch the whole season though. But we shall see!
